Sigurd Bergmann’s stamp has made it to Saturn’s moon called Titan!
Join us on a trip to Titan!
Send your signature and greeting via letter or the Internet to Aftenposten, and you will be <<joined>> on the space journey to Saturn's moon Titan for free.
So far, over 4,000 Aftenposten readers have booked themselves on the trip via the newspaper's Internet service: Aftenposten Interactive. The names and greetings from all these Norwegians are now in the process of being loaded on board on a CD-ROM disc which will be with the European space probe Huygens to Saturn's moon Titan. When the space probe lands on Titan on 27th November year 2004, these Aftenposten readers will be among approximately one million Earthlings who are expected to be on the journey to Titan
Write the letter greeting
There has also been a great demand to join the space journey from those who do not have the Internet. As a special New Year's greeting, Aftenposten and the European space organization EBA therefore offer everyone who wants to send a signature or greeting to Titan to also do this per letter.
The letter greeting can contain a maximum of 60 letters, and it can be filled in by adding clipping fields. Remember that the space between the words also counts as a letter. Readers can make a copy of the clipping field or create their own greeting on a letterhead, but then it must not be larger than 3 x 8 centimetres!
Put the signature and greeting in an envelope and send it to: AFTENPOSTEN, Akersgt. 51, Box 1178 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo
Mark the envelope: TITAN. The letter offer is provisionally valid until mid-February. At the same time, it will still be possible to send your signature or greeting via Aftenposten Interactive: spesial/saturn/
Departs October 6
All the signatures from Aftenposten, whether they are sent via letter or the Internet, are collected at the European space organization ESA's headquarters in Paris. ESA will ensure that your greeting, along with all the others from all over Europe, is burned into a CD-ROM disc. In March, this will be flown to the US space base at Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA.
Here, during the spring, the final preparation of the two space probes Huygens, the landing craft, and Cassini, the mother craft, which will be launched on the seven-year space journey to Saturn and Titan, begins. The two space probes take off from Cape Canaveral on 6 October 2014.